The Diocese of Singida, created in March 25, 1972, is part of the savannah plateau of central Tanzania. It is situated between latitude 4˚ south and latitude 7˚ south. It lies north of the central railway line extending to the Great North road in the East and Wembere Swamp in the West. The Eastern arm of the Great Rift Valley is on both sides of the territory. There are 29 political Regions in Tanzania. There is always a temptation of identifying the diocese with the Region. As for Singida Diocese this is not quite accurate. The Diocese is a little bit larger than the Region. There are 6 political districts in the diocese: Iramba, Singida Urban, Singida Rural, Ikungi, Mkalama and Manyoni.
Singida Diocese is situated within Singida Region, in northern central Tanzania – East Africa. It stands at a distance of 720 km from Dar es Salaam (via Dodoma); 232 km from Dodoma the capital city of Tanzania and 335 km from Arusha.
Since 1972, the Diocese of Singida has endeavored to enhance integral development of society. Evangelization is complete only when body and soul are cared for.
Tanzania has a total area of 942, 018 This diocese is approximately 49,341 sq. km. The population of the diocese is estimated at 1,348,523 with a total of about 170,318 Catholics. The total number of people baptized in the Catholic Church in 2011 was 4,446
The density is clearly typical of the dry savannah and its distribution is fairly uniform. There is however, a somewhat greater population concentration in Singida and Iramba districts as compared to Manyoni. Most people live in villages. However, most people rush to district towns which are the major trade and administrative centres.
The biggest group in the diocese is the Wanyaturu. Other groups include the Wanyiramba, Wanyisanzu, Wagogo, Wataturu, Wasandawi, Wakimbu, Tindiga, Hadzabe, Barbaig, Sukuma and Wairaki. Each ethnic group has its own language. Swahili is widely spoken. Relatively few speak English; about 98% of the people are agriculturalists and pastoralists. Traders, technicians and administrators form about 2%. Chief food crops are maize, millet and sorghum, sweet potatoes and cassava. Cash crops are tobacco, groundnuts, sunflower, cotton and some grapes.
Singida (Diocesan Headquarters) is at an altitude of approximately 1500 meters above sea level. Iramba descends to 2,000 ft. The highest wind velocities in the country are recorded in Singida (Kititimo). Singida Region is part of the semi-arid centre of Tanzania with an average annual rainfall of 600mm. Tradition has it that November to April is the Wet Season however rainfall is erratic, and drought conditions are experienced almost every the other year.
General Statistics
Item | Total |
Total Population | 1.371 million |
Baptized Catholics | 163265 |
Non Catholic | |
Catechumens | 1,234 |
Parishes | 24 |
Mission stations | 1 |
Diocesan Priests: In apostolate within the Diocese: In apostolate outside the diocese: In studies: |
68 55 8 5 |
Religious Priests | 26 |
Non-priests professed religious | 09 |
Major Seminarians | 15 |
Religious – Women | 374 |
Catechists | 433 |
Outstations | 264 |
Education Institutes | 53 |
Charitable Institutes | 04 |